This and that [2015-04-11]

It’s been a good week, one filled with diverse Reneal IEO tasks for each of us.  It was capped off by a Facebook chat last night with Team Philippines member Rogie Abala, who will be making a Reneal IEO video!  Meanwhile, the countdown continues for our return to the Philippines!

Neal continued work on his updated systemCheck program.  This week he was writing the code to create the log file with a summary of the findings when the program is run.  He also returned to his work with the NComputing system.  Several of the schools in Cebu with the Reneal IEO system also have NComputing equipment, so he’s been working to make our system run on the NComputing nodes.  He was able to get it working at Compostela National High School last year, but in his development environment here at home, it’s continued to be “quirky”.  Knowing Sir Neal, I’m sure he will emerge victorious… but not without some frustration along the way! 

Last weekend I packed up some donated items to send to Cebu.  The boxes include a big donation of fabric, pins and needles, thread, buttons, and other sewing items for the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) department which offers great hands-on vocational education to the students.  I also packed some donated computer equipment that we’ll use to address attrition at some of the existing schools.

One unexpected development was seeing on Facebook that the Philippines grading system has changed again.  I downloaded the Dep Ed memo and set to work in changing the Excel/LibreOffice Calc grading templates for the teachers to handle the new approach.  Fun stuff!  I’m looking forward to getting feedback from the teachers in the Philippines so I can make improvements.

The highlight of the week occurred last night though.  I was working on my computer when Rogie’s message popped up on Facebook message popped up from Rogie.  Rogie has coordinated donations of used equipment to Reneal IEO from many of the Aboitiz departments, connected us with some great schools in Mandaue City, and is a tireless supporter of our work.  By day he is an IT professional who works for Aboitiz Equity Ventures, but he is also a skilled photographer, tri-athlete, president of his Toastmaster’s Club, graduate student, and all-around great guy.  For one of his grad school classes, he is going to make a video for Reneal IEO!  He sent the script, and Neal and I have an action item today to record some interview video.  We’re excited that we’ll be having a video soon to feature the work of Reneal IEO!