Thank you Apto Solutions! [2021-04-04]

This last week brought a flurry of activity here at Reneal headquarters, thanks to another generous donation of computer equipment from Apto Solutions ( Everything is in place now to execute the Q2 project plan! Reneal Team Tanzania and Reneal’s partners in Arusha will install computer labs in four new government secondary schools in Arusha City Council, as well as expand five very active existing Reneal labs.
Reneal Country Director David Nyangaka has been working closely with the school heads and teachers at Suye Secondary School, Kinana Secondary School, Elerai Secondary School, and Kimaseki Secondary School to prepare a room for a computer lab. This is a significant commitment for a public school in Tanzania, since classroom space is precious. The school must also provide tables and chairs, electrical outlets, window grills, and a solid door. Our four new schools have everything ready and are just waiting for the moment that the computers arrive.
We are also thrilled to have the resources to expand existing labs at some of the larger schools. Like most NGOs, Reneal is constantly trying to balance breadth with depth. For us, more schools served means fewer computers per school. Thus it is wonderful to have this opportunity to target improvements in the student-to-computer ratio at selected schools. We know that these five schools will make the most of the additional units!
Most of the equipment donated by Apto Solutions is boxed and ready to go after a week of organizing and packing here. Neal has been making the final tweaks of the server software. David has already begun his logistical magic at the receiving end, and the Team is close to completing the beginning-of-the-school-year tasks. It will soon be all systems go!
[Photo: Neal with the latest shipment of donated equipment from Apto Solutions]